first attempt success
1 in 3
phlebotomists found an improvement in safety
2 in 3
patients were more confident in the phlebotomist
> 50%
phlebotomists found an improvement in back pain during blood collection

What Phlebotomists are Saying
“The LabPRO makes drawing on wheelchair patients safer and easier than ever”
“I don’t have to bend over to hold the patients arm anymore. I love this for my back”
“Before I had to rotate my body into strenuous positions to access difficult veins. Now I can comfortably rotate the patients arm while I remain comfortable.”
“Before, patients with difficult veins would get tired from holding their arm straight, with the LabPRO they can rest while I asses their veins making it much more comfortable for both of us”
“With the LabPRO, I don’t have to keep reminding patients to hold their arm straight.”
“Patients are telling me the feel more comfortable and secure having a handle to hold and a cuff to support their arm during the procedure”
“Patients really like having something to hold onto”
“I don’t have to worry about needle phobic patients flinching anymore”
How it Works
“The best way to prevent needlesticks from blood draws is to incorporate safer designs into a phlebotomist’s work environment.”
-Amber Hogan Mitchell, President of the International Safety Center

Now featured in the “Basic Venipuncture,” Part I of the Applied Phlebotomy video series produced by The Center for Phlebotomy Education, Inc.